We are members of the Braingeneers group, a research consortium that brings together neuroscientists, geneticists and engineers to study the unique specializations of the human brain. Other members of the group include laboratories at UC Santa Cruz (Haussler, Teodorescu, Salama, Sharf), UC San Francisco (Pollen, Nowakowski), UC Santa Barbara (Kosik) and Washington University in St. Louis (Hengen)
We are co-leading the Data Resource and Coordination Center (DRACC) for the SSPsyGene Consortium. This consortium is an NIMH initiative to systematically characterize the most important 250 genes in neuropsychiatric disorders. Other members of the DRACC are labs in UC Santa Cruz (Haussler, Haeussler, Paten) and UC San Francisco (Nowakowski). Other members of the consortium are labs at UC Los Angeles (Geschwind, Novitch, Aharoni, Bhaduri, Damoiseaux, Golshani, Kim, Luo, Wells), the Broad Institute (Nehme, Farhi), MIT ( Fraenkel), NorthShore (Duan, Zhang, Sanders), Rutgers (Pang, Mulle, Hart, Li, Pato, Kreimer), Baylor (Tolias), University of Chicago (He), Yale (Hoffman, Fan, Brennand, Huckins, Wang).